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1. 10-True F-1 Brahman X Hereford heifers, selling heavy bred to Low Birth Weight Olhde Angus bulls. These are 1150lb females that will calve at 28 months old. Deep sided cattle with lots of eye appeal.
2. 30-Purebred Brahman open heifers, extremely uniform set of 16 and 17 month old females, just right to breed this fall. All V8 Ranch sired females, lots of depth of body and outstanding breed character.
3. 15-ABBA Golden Certified F-1 B X H heifers, all sired by J.D. Hudgins Brahman bulls. Selling 4 to 6 months bred to a LBW 44 Farms Angus bull. A real power packed set, very uniform, good disposition with lots of quality.
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4. 25-First-calf Brangus pairs, a front pasture set of these stout, good uddered females with Cavender Ranch sired calves at side, calves are 45 to 60 days old.
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5. 45-True F-1 BXH heifers selling 5 and 6 months bred to LBW 44 Farms Angus bulls. These heifers are out of beefy type commercial Brahman cowherd and all sired by W4 Ranch Hereford bulls.
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6. 47-Brangus Baldy heifers selling 6 to 8 months bred to LBW Rooney Ranch Angus bulls. A real fancy set of these 26 month old 1100lb females. Matched and uniform with all the bells and whistles!! |
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7. 7-True F-1 B X H first-calf heifer pairs, selling with 44 Farms Angus sired calves at side, calves are 45 to 60 days old. These are all J.D. Hudgins sired females with lots of rib and depth to them.
8. 8-Registered Brahman heifers, look at these baby dolls that are all V8 Bloodlines. This very uniform package sell at 14 months old with outstanding disposition.
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9. 15-True F-1 B X H heifers, these are all embryo sister-mates, combining quality and outstanding genetics into this powerful set of 13 month old heifers. Will sort into a few real matched groups. |
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10. 17-True F-1 BXH heifers selling 6 and 7 months bred to LBW 44 Farms Angus bulls. A big stout set of females weighing 1250lbs with lots of depth, real deep sided cattle. Will calve at 26 and 27 months old, all J.D. Hudgins sired.
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11. 20-Brangus Baldies selling 7 and 8 months bred to LBW 44 Farms Angus bulls. These have a lot of chrome all sired by Mound Creek Brangus bulls. Will calve at a little past two year old heifers, weighing 1100lbs. |
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12. 14-Brangus Baldy open heifers, this very uniform group are out of F-1 BXH cows and sired by Gardiner Ranch Angus bulls. Just the right amount of navel and ear on these 850lb heifers that are ready to breed this fall. |
13. 8-Registered Brahman open heifers, stop and look hard at this premium offering of registered replacements. These are 14 to 16 months old with show-ring eye appeal! |
14. 13-Brangus heifers selling 4 and 5 months to LBW Angus bulls, very uniform with great disposition. Heifers will calve as full two year olds. |
15. 3-Registered Simbrah heifers selling bred 4 months to a Registered Simbrah bull. Calves will also be registerable. |
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16. 15-True F-1 BXH first-calf heifer pairs, the front pasture kind, selling with 45 to 60 day old calves sired by 44 Farms C6 bull. Impressive set of deep bodied females with perfect udders. Popping good set of calves! |
17. 6-Registered Brahman first-calf heifer pairs, the quality is over the top and disposition is the best. Dog gentle!! The big plus, they all have black F-1 heifer calves at side. |
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18. 24-True F-1 B X H open heifers, out of an outstanding purebred Brahman cowherd and all sired by Rocking Chair Hereford bulls. These are 14 and 15 months old and will sort into several very uniform groups to sell. |
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19. 10-True F-1 B X H first-calf heifer pairs, selling with 45 day old Ohlde Ranch Angus sired calves at side. Pretty udders, great calves and good disposition sums up this real fancy offering of J.D. Hudgins sired females. |
20. 4-2 Purebred Brahman pairs with F-1 calves at side and 2 selling heavy bred to B and C Farms Hereford bull. First-calf pairs and heifers are coming with their first calf. |
21. 5-True F-1 B X H open heifers, a real set of baby dolls, all matched up, weighing 800lbs and ready to breed this fall. |
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22. 72-Brangus heifers, selling 5 to 8 months bred to LBW W4 Ranch Hereford bulls. Deep bodied cattle with lots of depth and bone. This is the top cut out of 120 head of keeping heifers, don’t miss this powerful package of replacements. |
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23. 32-Purebred Brahman cows coming with their second calf. All bred to Powell Ranch and W4 Ranch Hereford bulls for early spring calves. All the work has been done here, second calves are on the way with lots of producing years ahead of them. |
24. 5-True F-1 B X H open heifers, matched set weighing 825lbs and ready for the bulls this fall. Disposition is great on this small set! |
25. 24-Brangus heifers coming with their first calf 6 to 8 months bred to LBW 44 Farms Fever 0609. Lots of spring of rib and good bone on these purebred Brangus cow makers. |
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26. 4-True F-1 B X H first-calf heifer pairs, a real matched set of these chocolate colored heifers with an outstanding set of calves at side by Cavender Ranch R792 bull. Perfect udders, big growthy females with great disposition. |
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27. 25-True F-1 B X H heifers selling 5 to 7 months bred to LBW 44 Farms 0156 Angus bull. A real set of standouts, overall quality is mighty nice. These heifers will calve a little past two years old. |
28. 7-Brangus Baldy first-calf heifer pairs selling with 45 to 60 day old Angus sired calves at side. These are big growthy females weighing 1250lbs, great udders and a fancy set of black calves. |
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29. 11-True F-1 B X H first-calf pairs selling with stout set of 44 Farms sired calves at side. These are big broody females, weighing 1300lbs and calves weigh 300lbs. All sired by Holden Ranch Hereford Bulls and out of a performance bred commercial Brahman cowherd with heavy J.D. Hudgins breeding within for many years. |
30. 5-Brangus heifers selling 5 and 6 months bred to LBW Angus bull for spring calves. Small set but lots of quality. Heifers weigh 1150lbs and will calve at 26 months of age. |
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31. 7-ABBA Golden Certified B X H heifers, one will sell as a pair and 6 head sell heavy bred. Picture perfect set, bred to LBW Angus bull. Calves are right at the door. |
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32. 8-Brangus Baldy heifers selling 6 to 8 months bred to a LBW 44 Farms Angus bull. These are 1200lb females with lots of eye appeal, long bodied, deep-sided with plenty of bone. |
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33. 12-True F-1 B X H heifers being offered 7 and 8 months, heavy bred to LBW 44 Farms Angus bulls. All sired by J.D. Hudgins Brahman bull. Big growthy cattle with lots of guts and middle to them. |
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34. 5-Brangus first-calf heifer pairs, selling with 45 to 60 day old Angus sired calves by a 44 Farms Angus bull. Complete package, good udders and really milking well, a great set of calves! |
35. 2-Registered Brahman heifers selling bred 5 and 6 months to LBW Registered Polled Hereford bull. Both heifers carry J.D. Hudgins and V8 Ranch Brahman bloodlines through their pedigree. |
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36. 18-ABBA Certified F-1 B X H heifers all sired by Dudley Bros. Hereford bull, will sell 4 and 5 months bred to also, LBW Dudley Bros Hereford bulls. |
37. 6-Brangus and Brangus Baldy open heifers, sweet set of these 850lb heifers ready for the bulls this fall. The absolute best disposition and quality that will fit any cowman. |
38. 15-Brahman heifers selling 5 and 6 months bred to W4 Ranch Hereford bulls. An extremely fancy set of these purebred Brahman females, loaded up with breed character and lots of eye appeal. |
39. 7-True F-1 B X H heifers, 4 head are pairs now with Angus sired calves at side the remaining 3 are 6 to 8 months bred to a LBW Angus bull. Heifers are calving at 28 months of age. |
40. 3-Brahman first-calf heifer pairs, selling with Holden Hereford Ranch sired F-1 calves at side. Big 1250lb females with a fancy set of stripe calves. |
41. 18-Purebred Brahman open heifers, very uniform set weighing 800lbs, just as even as you can get them. Black nose, Black tail and lots of breed character. You don’t want to miss these. |
42. 8-Brangus heifers selling bred 5 and 6 months to Draggin M LBW Brangus bull. Thousand pound plus heifers, deep bodied cattle, the quality is very good within this fancy set of replacements. |
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43. 27-True F-1 B X H open heifers, a set of true sister-mates all embryo daughters. These are the beefy type with lots of rib, deep flanked and colored to perfection. Will sort into several fancy matched groups. |
44. 23-Brangus and Brangus Baldy open heifers, just right to put with the bulls for fall calvers, these 800lb plus heifers are right on target. |
45. 11-True F-1 B X H heifers, all sired by W4 ranch Hereford bulls, selling bred to LBW 44 Farms Angus bull 5 and 6 months. |
46. 4-Brangus three year olds, coming with their second calf. Selling spring bred 4 and 5 months to Draggin M Brangus bull. |
47. 9-Brahman heifers selling bred 4 and 6 months to LBW Holden Hereford Ranch bull. A powerful set of these purebred females with plenty of breed character and lots of eye appeal. |
48. 9-True F-1 Brahman X Angus heifers selling bred to LBW 44 Farms Angus bull. Palpated safe 5 and 6 months for spring calves |
49. 5-True F-1 B X H first-calf heifer pairs, selling with 45 to 60 day old Angus sired calves at side. These are 1250lb females, great udders and a market topping set of black calves. |
50. 4-Registered open Brahman heifers, a fancy set of 15 months old females that will fit into any Registered cowherd. |
51. 68-True F-1 B X H heifers sell 4 to 6 months bred to proven LBW Angus bulls. These are deep sided cattle with lots of bone and that beefy look about them. Will sort into several very uniform groups. |
52. 11-Two-year old Brahman heifers selling exposed to W4 Ranch Hereford bull for 60 days. These are the front pasture kind with lots of eye appeal. |
53. 7-Registered Brahman cows 5 and 6 years old, selling bred 6 and 7 months to a Registered Brahman bull. |
54. 5-Brangus first-calf heifer pairs, selling with 45 to 60 day old Angus sired calves at side 1200lb big stout first timers |
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55. 45-Bred Brangus heifers, sell 6 to 8 months to Cavender Ranch LBW bulls. Bred tight and really fancy
group, this is a really powerful set with plenty of depth, lots of rib and good bone. These are 1150lb
cattle that will calve at 26 and 27 months of age. |
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56. 7-Registered Brahman heifers being offered open. The quality runs real deep in this outstanding set of
17 to 18 month old open Brahman heifers. |